Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Here is a question I recently received from

Since I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, I have been really watching my carb intake. I’m not sure about beverages though. What can I drink that will not affect my blood sugar besides water? Can I have my morning coffee?

Beverages can be tricky with diabetes. Beverages such as milk, drinkable yogurts, smoothies, fruit juices, and regular soft drinks contain carbohydrate and must be counted as part of your carb intake.

There are many drinks that contain very little or no amount of carbohydrate. For example, black coffee or tea, or coffee with non-dairy creamer and sugar substitute is a good choice. Sugar-free flavored or carbonated water, diet sodas, and sugar free flavorings such as sugar-free kool aid and Crystal Light are also very good options.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Here is a question I recently received from

I attend a monthly book club with friends that includes a dinner potluck in which everyone contributes a dish. I have type 2 diabetes and I struggle with what to eat at the potluck. Could you offer me some tips?

Potluck can be difficult and tempting, but here are some strategies to help you stay on track.

*Eat a snack prior to going out, so you'll be less hungry and less prone to overeating.
*Choose a small plate to help with portion control.
*Look around- see what everyone brought before serving yourself.
*Drink water as your beverage.
*Stay away from the serving line! Once you have served yourself, go into another room to chat.
*Since you must also contribute, bring a healthy alternative that fits into your diet plan.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Weight Loss

Here is question I recently received from

I have pre-diabetes and my doctor has told me if I don't lose weight I will end up with type 2 diabetes. I have about 75 pounds to lose. Could you tell me the best way to do this?

Weight loss is a lifestyle change; it's something that, if done correctly, does not happen quickly. It is a process. Stay away from fad diets- anything done in drastic measures usually does not equal long term results.

There are two main principles for weight loss: diet and exercise. Yes, it's easier said than done. But the important part is to make small goals for yourself to make your success measureable and more attainable. For example, you say you want to lose 70 pounds- think of your mindset. You you like to accomplish this next month? In the next year? In the next five years?

You can also break this up into smaller goals. Example: I want to lose 4 pounds this month.

"Diet" and "exercise" are dreaded words. When we think of the word diet, most people think of restrictions- what you can't eat. Instead, don't give up your favorite foods, just cut back on the portions and eat them less often. Also think of adding new foods (more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) to substitute for less healthy foods. It is a good idea to keep a food diary to get a good look of your intake and where your downfalls are.

"Exercise" is the same way. Many people think of it as something you HAVE to do and, therefore, there is often less motivation to do it. It is recommended that all adult exercise 20-30 minutes 5 times per week. When you're spending that much time on an activity, you might as well do something you enjoy! Try different things and/or bring a friend for moral support! Walking, yoga, pilates, treadmill, the possibilities are endless- as long as you're moving and your heart rate is pumping. You can also consider breaking up workouts into smaller intervals if you feel you don't have the time or stamina for a long workout.

By being dedicated and not getting discouraged, you will see results in the long run.

Also, be sure to consult your doctor before starting any regimen. It may also benefit you speak to a registered dietitian (RD) regarding your weight loss goals.

More weight loss tips are provided by this article from WEBMD:

Monday, August 9, 2010

August is Cataracts Awareness Month!

Keep Your Eye on the Veggies during Cataract Awareness Month

An estimated 22 million Americans age 40 and older have cataracts, a clouding of the eye’s lens that prevents the passage of light needed for vision. However, with regular eye check-ups, cataracts do not have to lead to vision loss for most Americans. What you eat can help protect your vision, too.

Look for foods that provide vitamins E and C, two eye-healthy antioxidants. Vitamin E is found in nuts, vegetable oils, fortified cereals and sweet potatoes; vitamin C is found in foods like oranges, grapefruit, spinach and broccoli.

And consider this: A preliminary study suggests caffeine also might have an anti-cataract effect. So, your next cup of coffee just might keep your eyes healthy and open.

Produced by ADA’s Public Relations Team

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Popeye: Nutritional Role Model

Studies show that Popeye encourages children to follow a healthy diet by eating spinach.

Dawn Phenomenon

Here is question I recently received from

I was just told I am type 2 diabetic. My doctor told me to try to control by numbers by diet. I have noticed my blood sugar is high in the morning before I have eaten. Could you explain why?

What you are describing is called the dawn phenomenon. The dawn phenomenon is defined as an abnormal rise in glucose levels, usually between the hours of 2-8 AM.

This is caused by overnight release of hormones, such as cortisone, glucagon, epinephine, and growth hormone, which cause insulin resistance, thus leading to elevated glucose levels.

However, the dawn phenomenon may be attributed to other causes, such as:
* Not eating a carbohydrate snack at bedtime
* Adjusting your dosage of medication or insulin
* Switching to a different medication
* Using an insulin pump to administer extra insulin during early-morning hours

Therefore, it is imperative that you keep a good record of your food intake, follow your medication schedule, and check your glucose levels regularly. As always, discuss these concerns with your doctor and/or speak with a certified diabetes educator.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Dangerous Supplements

This is a good read for anyone taking or considering taking dietary supplements. Be an informed consumer...
Dangerous Supplements